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Created to serve as a haven for techies and enable the growth of technology in Anambra state.

We are committed to building solid networks

Building a successful tech career is hard when you do it alone. We are building a community that connects and grows its member through Training, helpful resources,job opportunities and mentorship. We consider ourselves a family of techies united with the common goal of helping each other grow.

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Hear From our People

Abraham Yakubu

Anambra Techies gave me an opportunity to participate in an hackathon from the ideation to the development of the product. Few months later, I got a job recommendation from a community member as a remote backend engineer for a Lagos based startup..

Okeke Victor

The decision to join Anambra Techies Community has been life-changing for my career. Through this community, I have been able to build my focus and strength in tech, enabling me to achieve my career goals.

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